Legislative Advocacy
The Charles County Chamber of Commerce serves as the voice of business on the state, county and local levels.
Our Legislative Committee is made up of volunteers from local businesses of all types and sizes. The Committee meets weekly from mid-January through early April while the Maryland State Legislature is in session to review hundreds of proposed bills and determine whether action is needed. Chamber members are invited to attend the committee meetings to share information and learn about pending legislation.
The Legislative Committee also hosts state and local officials at special events such as the State of the County, the Legislative Wrap-Up at the end of the session, and the Legislative Preview prior to the start of the next year's session. In election years, candidate forums may also be hosted by committee members.
To learn more about the Legislative Committee, please click on the latest Legislative Alert where you find a full committee list and contact information. To join this prestigious group of volunteers, please email the Chamber at info@charlescountychamber.org.
Or, click here to visit our Legislative Alerts page.