What is a Chamber?
The Charles County Chamber of Commerce is a coalition of area businesses, industries, organizations, and professionals who pool their talents and resources to improve the economic, civic, and cultural climate of our community. Businesses and organizations are eligible to belong to the Chamber of Commerce. Our investment schedule is structured in such a way that even the smallest business can be a member.
The Chamber is a service organization for business. It provides a venue through which business professionals can take effective action for the progress and growth of our community.
Click here for flyer.
Why Should you Become a Member?
■ As a Chamber member, you are part of an organization with a strong credible voice that speaks out on behalf of business and industry.
■ Chamber membership allows you to help shape your community by participating in committee work, projects and special task groups that apply business-oriented solutions to community concerns.
■ As a Chamber member, you have access to the most efficient, effective networking system in Charles County and the surrounding area, designed to promote your business and expand your customer base.
■ The Charles County Chamber of Commerce works tirelessly to promote our members and provide you with resources and referrals to grow your business.
■ Chamber membership can boost your community image and increase your sales. Research shows that potential customers and clients are 63% more likely to do business with you if they know you support your local Chamber of Commerce!
(Study conducted by the Schapiro Group for the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, 2012)